Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ephesians 3:1-6

Prison Break.

Well, not so much of a prison break...mainly just imprisonment. Anyways, I was reading the text below (NIV study bible) and it says that this letter is written when Paul was in jail. I didnt know he wrote this in jail until now. Anyways, the text is interesting, but I pretty much cant get over the fact that he was in jail. I guess it makes me think of all the missionaries in the past, present and in the future that will be imprisoned, tortured, etc for serving Christ. I reflect on a missionary that came to briercrest - Dave Block. One of the most incredible men I have ever met. He is a missionary in the middle east, serving God in muslim countries. His testimony and testimony of others blows my mind as their faith is tested daily.
I regretably have no idea what it means to have my faith tested in such a way, to truly honestly NEED God for survivor and safety. Of course I need God, but I can support myself financially, I am allowed to worship him freely, and I have lots of wants that get met as well. But to wake up in the morning and pray that I will not get sent to prison or murdered for praising God is a whole different scenerio. Im jealous, big time! Afraid out of my mind when I think of it, but most definately jealous. These are things I need to personally pray about, for the people currently dealing with this, and pray myself that I may one day know God that way. Experience him that way.....maybe I just have to leave North America for a bit, or forever. haha, who knows.

Regardless, props to Paul!

p.s. read the comment on my last post. some wierd dude commented.


jerlight said...

I know Dave Block (I think)! Pretty sure he went to BBC the same time I did.
Anyways, I've been thinking about this too - if Christ says that suffering will be normal for his followers, what does that mean in North America?
It seems like Paul's suffering (and the other missionaries' sufferings) are part of the message. If so, how is Christ calling me to suffer and how is he calling me to reach with the message? I feel an obligation as I read Ephesians because I realize that a lot of suffering went into getting the message to me.

jerlight said...

Oh yeah! I have no idea who the astronut is!! How did he find you?

Ben said...

I appreciate the astronaut
s insight... I just can't figure out what he has insight into? Anyways the idea of suffering and my role in it is something I really got to wrestle with a couple of years ago after our backpacking trip with Justin, a kid suffering from depression and a number of other issues. I recognize the richness of it in our history, and I too wander what that means for me. I wonder if we too quickly are thankful we are not in those other places out there and perhaps we should be seeking out opportunities here to follow God into suffering? Is it something we should go looking for?

jerlight said...

I don't know about looking for it because that usually leads to being offensive just for the sake of being offensive. I do think that we are very good at avoiding it and we have grown so accustomed to avoiding suffering that we don't even really notice the ways in which we do it anymore - it has just become normal.
Tony Campolo might have a few things to say about that.